The General Library is presently situated in the Clock Tower Building.  It was established in the British era and is privileged to have the collection of 67607 text books and 1250 reference books, with a total of 68,857 books. Among those vast numbers of books, a few books deserve notice.

It houses sufficient collection of rare books.  Many of them were purchased during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, which are now out of print. Besides, the department libraries of English, Tamil and History contain some rare books, which are out of print today.

Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)

The General Library has implemented and installed the automation software, Koha 16.05 Version. It plans to maintain Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) for online search of available books in library. The library will subscribe the UGC—INFLIBNET,  N-List e- resources which includes e-journals, e-books and online resources.  It aims to form and maintain the Digital Library after completion of library automation process and subscription of e-resources.

The M.Phil Dissertation and Ph.D theses of faculty and students and student projects are available in department libraries to facilitate and encourage research.

General Library, Rare Book Collections
S.No Acc. No Name of the Book Publisher Author Year of Published No of Copies
1 4950 English Prose Selections Macmillan, London Henry Craik 1922 1
2 3694 The English Novel J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd, London George Saintsburg 1913 1
3 6951 Everyman’s Library J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd, London Alfred and Jennyson 1906 1
4 7758 Rupert Brooke; The Collected Poems Sidquick and jackson, London Edward Marsh 1918 1
5 1302 Abraham Lincoln Sidwik and Jackson, London John Drinkwater 1918 1
6 1813 Youth at the Helm Longman’s Green and Co, London A. J. Marson 1937 1
7 4734 The Bird of Time William Heinamman Sarojini Naidu 1912 1
8 4605 Lotus and Jewel Regan Paul Trench, London Sir Edwin Arnold 1891 1
9 9706 Shakespeare (Great Lines) The Macmillan Company, New York John Drinkwater 1933 1
10 5263 Selection of the Shorter Poems of Wordsworth The Macmillan Company, New York Edward Paulton 1914 1
11 3388 The Collected Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti Ellis and elvey, London William Rossetti 1897 1
12 3375 English Poems John Lane company, New York Richard Le gallience 1892 1
13 4682 Poems: Mathew Arnold Macmillan Ltd, London G. C. Macaulay 1911 1
14 1871 The Blue Bird Mathew and co Ltd, London Maurice Maeterlines 1909 1
15 6919 The Bull and other poems Macmilan and Co, Madras Ralph Hodgson 1917 1
16 UGC 786 The Cambridge Shorter History of India S. Chand Co, Delhi I. Allan 1958 1
17 4798 The Heart of Middothian Oxford Universtiy Press, London Sir Walter Scott 1910 1
18 972 The Rivals Macmillan andCo, London Richard Bringley 1938 1
19 2043 Stories of Yesterday and Today The National Publishing, Madras K. P. K. Menon 1947 1
20 4688 Stories from Maflaevel Romance Oxford at the Clearendon Press Netta Syroft 1913 1
21 2608 Driftwood Spars Longman’s Green & Co, London Percival Christopher, London 1916 1
22 4978 The Imperial Gazetteer of India vol XII Oxford at the Clearendon Press Henry Frowde 1908 1
23 4975 The Imperial Gazetteer of India vol IX Oxford at the Clearendon Press Henry Frowde 1908 1
24 4095 The Paris Sketch Book Macmillan And Co, New York William Shakespeare 1902 1
25 4985 The Imperial Gazetteer of India vol XIX Oxford at the Clearendon Press Henry Frowde 1908 1
26 4118 Selected Poems Macmilan and Co, London W. B. Yeats 1929 1
27 1433 The Importance of Being Earnest Methnan and Co, London Oscar Wilde 1899 1
28 3503 Everyman’s Library J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd, London Ernest 1910 1
29 11609 The Plays od Richard Brinsley Sherridan Oxford University Press, London Drury Lane 1906 1
30 4424 Man and Superman Constable and Company, London Bernard Shaw 1929 1
31 3578 Personal Aspects of Jane Austen John Murrey, London Mary Augusta 1920 1
32 3920 The Physician Mocmillan and CO, New York Henry Arthur 1899 1
33 6918 Sohrab and Rustum Macmilan nad Co Ltd, Bombay Matthew Arnold 1914 1
34 214 The Black Girl in Search of God and Some Lesser Tales Constable Company Ltd Bernard Shaw 1932 1
35 3801 Thomas Love Peacock Macmillan and co, Ltd J. B, Priestley 1927 1
36 12120 D. H. Lawrence Heinemann London James Reeves 1929 1
37 3160 Twilight Songs Oxford Basil Blackwell Katherine Tynam 1927 1
38 1868 King Arthur Oxford University Press, London Alfred 1916 1
39 11432 Selections Form Matthew Arnold Thomas Nelson sons, London Richard Wilson 1942 1
40 3925 Short Stories: Old and New Lognman’s , London R. W. Jebson 1935 1
41 3421 The Collected Poems of G. K. Chesterton Matthew and Co. Ltd, London Cecil palmer 1927 1
42 4987 The Imperial Gazeteer of India Vol XXI Oxford at the Clearendon Press Henry Frowde 1908 1
43 4683 Devonshire Plays Duckworth, London Eden Philpotts 1927 1
44 3395 Selected Poems of Oscar Wilde Methuen and co, London Robert Ross 1911 1
45 5048 The Transit of Venus Ernest Benn Limited, London HM Hardwood 1927 1
46 4988 The Imperial Gezetteer of India At the Clarendon Press Oxford Henry Frowde 1908 1
47 4969 The Imperial Gezetteer of India At the Clarendon Press Oxford Henry Frowde 1908 1
48 4972 The Imperial Gezetteer of India At the Clarendon Press Oxford Henry Frowde 1908 1
49 2245 The Neccessity Of Poetry The Clarendon Press Robert Bridges 1918 1
50 3305 The Crusaders The Macmillan and Co, London Henry Arthur James 1911 1
51 3951 The Pretenders and two other plays Toronto Published London Henrik 1913 1
52 785 The Works of Oscar Wilde (1856-1900) Collins, London G. F. Maine 1948 1
53 3524 Songs Of Childhood Longman’s Green & Co, London Walter 1923 1
54 1854 Sybil or theTtwo Nations Macmillan co, London Benjamin Disnell 1934 1
55 1869 Book of English Essays (1600-1900) Oxford University Press, London V. Malower 1912 1
56 1463 Roundabout Papers Macmillan co, London V.M Thackeray 1907 1
57 5884 The Last Chronicle of Barset Oxford University Press, London Anthony Trollope 1815 1
58 9301 Ten Diminutive Dramas Heinemann Maurice Boring 1910 1
59 1670 Jane Austen and How art Oxford University Press Mary Copellas 1939 1
60 3222 Literary Studies and Reviews George Allen Imprint Ltd Richard Aldington 1924 1
61 3676 Sense and Sensibility Macmillan and Co, London Jane Austen 1926 1
62 4753 Fifteen Stories Metheun Co, London W. W. Jacobs 1926 1
63 1554 A Bit Of Love Dockwork, London John Gal 1915 1
64 1865 Canadian Plays from Harte House Vol I The Macmillan Co Vincent Mussey 1926 1
65 3350 The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Oxford University Press James 1913 1
66 3346 The Poems of Matthew Arnold (1849 – 1964) Oxford University Press Henry Frowde 1849 1
67 4512 Poems by Matthew Arnold Macmillan Ltd, London Robert Browning 1911 1
68 3143 Balaustion’s dventure Macmillan Ltd, London Robert Browning 1928 1
69 4631 Tales of Action Oxford Press V. H. Collins 1926 1
70 967 The Kings Treasuries of Literature E. P. Dutton and Company, London N. Pacock 1921 1
71 4891 The Pirate Oxford University London Henry Frowde 1911 1
72 5003 Old Mortality Henry Frowde London Sir Walter Scott 1906 1
73 1500 The Adventures of Roderick Randon G. Bell and Sons T. G. Smullett 1925 1
74 4488 Taglewood Tales Macmillan Ltd, London Nathaniel Thurstone 1916 1
75 753 Robert Browning Macmillan Ltd, London G. K. Chesterton 1936 1
76 4968 The Imperial Gazetteer of India Vol I Oxford University Press, London Henry Frowde 1907 1
77 4990 The Imperial Gazetteer of India Vol XXIV Oxford University Press, London Henry Frowde 1908 1
78 5761 Laurence Sterne W. F. Nimmu Has, Mitchell Laurence Sterne 1885 1
79 4970 Canadian Plays from Harte House Vol I Oxford University Press, London Henry Frowde 1907 1
80 4933 The Shakespeare Library Oxford University Press, London Gollancz L. H. D. 1932 1
81 3564 Plays in Prose and Verse Macmillan, and Co, London W. B. Yeats 1926 1
82 3227 Karma – A Reincarnation Play Macmillan Co Ltd, London Algernon Blockwood 1918 1
83 3466 Poems of James Russell Lowell Oxford University Press, London Henry Frowde 1912 1
84 4301 The Talisman Macmillan Co Ltd, London Sir Walter Scott 1913 1
85 3167 The Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge Oxford University Press, London E. H. Coleridge 1912 1
86 3915 Tales of Heroism and Adventure Oxford University Press, London H. A. Treble 1937 1
87 5415 The Hostorians History of the World The Times, London H. S. Williams, LLD 1908 1
88 2019 Winter Woods Macmillan Ltd, London Thomas Hardy 1928 1
89 13371 The Words of Robert Sherwood Mirror to His Times Harper and Row Pubisher, New York John Mason Brown 1962 1
90 4984 The Imperial Gazetteer of India Vol XVIII Oxford at the Clearendon Press Oxford 1908 1
91 4979 The Imperial Gazetteer of India Vol XVIII Oxford at the Clearendon Press Oxford 1908 1
92 4953 Shakespeare Lexican: A Complete Dictionary Berlin George Reiner Alexander Schnidt 1886 1
93 11795 Windows: A Comedy in Three Acts for Idealists and Others Duckworth, London John Galsworthy 1949 1
94 3472 Selected Poems Constable and Company, Ltd George Meredith 1919 1
95 1810 A Woman of No Importance: A Play Methuan and Co Ltd, London Oscar Wilde 1893 1
96 3451 Juno and The Paycock Macmillan And Co ltd Sean O ‘ Casey 1928 1
97 4440 Guy Mannering Oxford University Press Sir William Scott 1090 1
98 4021 Selected English Essays Oxford University Press W. Peacock 1909 1
99 1257 Detection Mystery Oxford University Press Oxford 1910 1
100 6005 A Dictionary Of English Language Vol I Pt L Longman Greeen and CO, London Robert Gordon Lathan 1866 1
101 677 John Bull’s Other Island Howthe lied to her husband Constable and company Bernard Shaw 1928 1
102 208 Short Stories The R.B. D. Power Press Masti Venkatesa Iyenkar 1943 1
103 5157 Short Stories: Old and New Longman’s Green & Co, London Jepson 1937 1
104 998 Ideal Husband: A Play Methuan and Co Ltd, London Oscar Wilde 1851 1
105 5376 She Stoops To Conquer Macmillan and Co Oliver Goldsmith 1928 1
106 3988 Sentimental Journey through France Italy Methuan and Co Ltd, London Laurence Sterne 1988 1
107 1873 The Soul of Nicholas Snylers Hodder and Stoughton Jerome K. Jerome 1925 1
108 3608 Records of Tennyson, Ruskin and Browning Macmillan and Co Anne Ritchie 1893 1
109 3980 Lectures on Human and Animal Psychology George Allen and Company ltd Wilhelm Wundt 1912 1
110 3455 A Second Book of Modern Poetry Macmillan and Co ltd, London H. A. Treble 1924 1
111 3424 Soldier Poets (Songs of the Fighting Men) Erskine Macdonald Ltd Erskine Macdonald Ltd 1916 1
112 3453 The Open Road (A Little Book for Wayfarers) Methuan and Co Ltd, London E. V. Lucas 1899 1
113 3266 The Oxford Book of Victorian verse Oxford at the Clarendon Press Arthur Quiller- Couch 1913 1
114 5756 The Poets: Geoffrey Chaucer to Alfred Tennyson 1342 – 1892 Impressions Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press William  Stebbing 1907 1
115 460 The Ethical Problem: The Three Lectures on Ethics as Science Chicago, the Open Court Publishing company Dr Paul Carus 1910 1
116 1816 OM-TAT-SAT Srimat Bhagavat Ragasya (or) Karma- Yoga- Sastra Publisehd  for Thilak Bros by R. B. Tilak, Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak 1857 1
117 3802 Walt Whitman Macmillan and Co ltd John Bailey 1926 1
118 4407 A Memoir of Jane Austen Macmillan and Co ltd J. G. Austen Leigh 1906 1
119 30844 Oliver Goldsmith’s She Stoops to Conquer Macmillan and Co ltd Robert Herring 1926 1
120 3231 Saints and Sinners Macmillan and Co ltd Hnery Arthur Jones 1891 1
121 3463 BethLehem ( A Nativity Play) Macmillan and Co ltd Caurence Housman 1927 1
122 7066 Report of the ATOM Alfred a knopf Gordon Dean 1954 1
123 4590 A Source – A Book of Ancient Hostory The Macmillan Company George Willis Botsford and Lillie Botsford 1912 1
124 2303 Words and theirWays in  Englsih Speech Macmillan and Co ltd George Lyman Kittredge 1907 1
125 5707 History of Englan in the Eighteenth Century Longman’s Green & Co, London William Edward Hart Polelecky 104 1
126 5822 The English Nation G. Bell and Sons ltd P. Meadows M. A 1914 1
127 4059 Greater Rome and Greater Britain Oxford Press, London C. P.Lucas 1912 1
128 5822 English Nation G. Bell and Sons ltd P. Meadows M. A 1914 1
129 6035 History of England Vol II Longman London Lord Macaulay 1861 1
130 5909 The French Revolution Vol III Chatto Swindus H. AMcCarthy 1897 1
131 5692 De Quincey’s Colected Writings A. C. Black Soho Sauare David Masson 1897 1
132 2801 Types of Tragic Drama Macmillan and Ltd, London C. E. Vaughan 1924 1
133 3236 A History OF Literary Criticism In the Renaissance Columbia Unicersity Press, New York J. E. Spingan 1924 1
134 3929 Historical Manual of English Prosody Macmillan Co Ltd, London George Saintsbury 1910 1
135 1937 The Elements of Physics, A College Text – Book Book Book Macmillan Co Ltd, London L. Nichols 1907 1
136 2431 A School Electricity Cambridge University Press C. J. L. Wasstaff 1914 1
137 7915 Alternating Currents Macmillan Co Ltd, London L. T. Asser 1956 1
138 5068 Practical Physics Universit yof Tutorial Press, London W. R. Bower 1920 1
139 2416 Matter and Energy Williams and Norgate, london Fredrick Soddey 1876 1
140 2370 A Laboratory Manual of Phsyics Macmillan, New York Henry Crew 1911 1
141 2474 An Elementary Treatise On Geometrical Optics Cambridge University Press R. S. Heath 1897 1
142 2522 Electrical Laboratory Course Blackie and Son, London Magnus Macdean 1916 1
143 5256 Heat, Light and Sound Longman’s London R. G. Shackel 1930 1
144 5127 A First Book of Physics Macmillan Co Ltd, London L. Lownds 1921 1
145 423 General Physics For Students Macmillan Co Ltd, London Edwin Edser 1933 1
146 3237 Palgrave’s Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics Macmillan Co Ltd, London J. H. Fowler 1924 1
147 3448 Ancient Balads and The Legends of Hindustan Kalidas and Co, Madras Toru Dutt 1924 1
148 3638 The Golden Treasury of Modern lyrics Macmillan Co Ltd, London L. Binyan 1926 1
149 3447 Poems on Sport Oxford University Press, London R. M. Lunard 1914 1
150 3541 The Flourishing Romance and the Rise of Allegory William Blackwood And Sons, London G. Saintsbury 1921 1
151 4637 Second Selections from Modern Poets Martin Secker, London J. C. Squire 1924 1
152 3159 Spoon River Anthology Twerner Laurie ltd, London Oliver Herford 1914 1
153 3513 Chaucer Oxford Press Rev. Walter 1874 1
154 3256 The English Poets Macmillan Co Ltd, London T. H. Ward 1905 1
155 3108 Poems on Children Oxford University Press, London R. M. Leonard 1908 1
156 21762 Contemporary American Poetry Higgin Bothams Higgin Bothams 1967 1
157 17239 The Beowulf Poet Prentice Holl K. Fry 1968 1
158 8026 The Kings Treasuries of Literature London : J. M. Dent Sons A. J. Quiller Couch 1927 1
159 11514 Palgrave’s Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics Macmillan Ltd, Kolkata J. H. Fowler 1964 1
160 4210 Georgian Poetry (1920 – 1922) The Poetry Bookshop, London Alex Meynall 1922 1
161 5768 The King’s Englsih Dictionary The Standard Literature, Calcutta A. M. Williams 1933 1
162 3409 The Cambridge History of English Literature Cambridge University Press A. W. Ward 1931 1
163 3697 Lecturer’s on the Concil of Trent Longman Green and Co, London James Anthony Frowde 1901 1
164 5037 History of the Romans under the Empire Longman Green and Co, London Charles Merivale 1904 1
165 5660 History of the Great Civil War Longman Green and Co, London Samuel R Gardiner 1905 1
166 5655 History of England Longman Green and Co, London Samuel R Gardiner 1901 1
167 5948 History of Greece John Murray George Grote 1906 1
168 5656 History of England Longman Green and Co, London Samuel R Gardiner 1904 1
169 5654 History of England Longman Green and Co, London Samuel R Gardiner 1905 1
170 5709 History of Greece Longman Green and Co, London Evelyn Abbott 1900 1
171 4569 History of Modrn England Macmillan and Co Limited, New York Herbert Paul 1905 1
172 4570 History of Modern England Macmillan and Co Limited, New York Herbert Paul 1905 1
173 5946 History of Greece John Murray, London George Grote 1906 1
174 5712 History of England Longman Green and Co, Bombay James Anthony Frowde 1901 1
175 5945 History of Greece John Murray, London George Grote 1904 1
176 5641 History of Ireland Longman Green and Co William Edward 1892 1
177 5953 History of Greece Maccmillan and Co Adolf Holm 1902 1
178 5942 History of Greece John Murray, London George Grote 1903 1
179 5169 History of the Reign of Charles the Fifth George Routledege and Co William H Precott 1857 1
180 2461 Storis on Anciet Hindu Polity LongmanGreen and Co, London Narendranat 1914 1
181 6041 The Works of Tacitus George Bell and Sons George Bell 1881 1
182 13514 The Vedha of the Black Yajus School Motilal Banargidass Arthur Berriedate Keith 1967 1
183 4492 Brief Introduction to Modern Philosophy The Macmillan Company, London Artthur Kenyon Rogers 1909 1
184 53336 Introductory text book of Logic William Blackwood and Sons, London Sydney Herbet 1905 1
185 5442 Power a new Social Analysis George Allen , London Bertrand Russell 1948 1
186 5318 A text Book of Deductive Logic Macmillan and Co , London P K Ray 1913 1
187 3901 The Principles of Science Macmillan and Co, London Standley and Co 1883 1
188 3853 Logic Longman Green and Co, London Alexander Bail 1905 1
189 3295 Logic Deductive to Inductive Oxford at the Clarendon Press Thomas Fowler 1910 1
190 3700 An Introduction to Logic Macmillan and Co, London L J Russell 1923 1
191 4170 India for the Indians Arthur Barker Ltd Dorothy JaneWard 1949 1
192 5159 Introduction to Comparative Philosophy Pandurang Damodar Pandurang Damodar 1918 1
193 3889 The Meaning of History Macmillan and Co, London Frederic Harrison 1906 1
194 3845 The Application of  Logic Macmillan Co Limited, London Alfred Sidgwick 1910 1
195 5746 Logic Vol – I Macmillan and Co, London Arnold ruge 1913 1
196 5597 Mahabharatha ( Tamil) Ganesa Press, Madras Andipatti Jamindhar 1919 1
197 5309 Radiography and  The X-rays Whitaker and Co S R Bottone 1898 1
198 7287 Source book on Atomic Energy Macmillan and Co, London Samuel Glasstone 1952 1
199 2687 Everyman’s Library J M Dent and sons Ltd, London Walter Dela Mare 1973 1
200 3126 Collected Poems Thomas Nelson and sons, New York Henry NewBolt 1962 1
201 4330 The Fitz-Boodle Papers and other sketches Macmillan and Co, London William Makepeace 1904 1
202 978 The Betrothed Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press, New York Sir Walter Scott 1912 1
203 5702 History of England in the eighteenth century Longman Green and Co, London William Edwasel 1904 1
204 5822 The English Nation G Bell and Sons Ltd P Meadows 1914 1
205 4393 The Political History of England vol- X Longman William Hunt 1905 1


Fine Arts Club 

Government Arts College (Autonomous),

Salem – 7.

Director of Fine Arts Club : Dr. S. Kalaichelvan, Principal

Co-ordinator of Fine Arts Club :Dr. J. Premalatha, Associate Professor,Dept of Tamil.

Fine Arts Club and Heritage Cell with Salem Niralcol Tamil Sangam jointly organises National Online Tamil Workhsop-I

Fine Arts Club and Heritage Cell with Salem Niralcol Tamil Sangam jointly organises National Online Tamil Workhsop-II

Fine Arts Club and Heritage Cell of Government Arts College (Autonomous), Salem-7 – MOU ceremony with Salem Niralcol Tamil Sangam to conduct Training on Entrepreneurship, workshop and Seminars

அரசு கலைக் கல்லூரி (தன்னாட்சி), சேலம்-7 நுண்கலை மன்றம் மற்றும் தொன்மை பாதுகாப்பு மன்றமும், சேலம் நிறைகோல் தமிழ்ச் சங்கத்துடன் இணைந்து மாணவர்களுக்கான இலக்கிய, இலக்கண, கணினித் தமிழ் பயிலரங்கு நடத்துவதற்கான புரிந்துணர்வு ஒப்பந்தத்தில் 23-2-2022 அன்று கையொப்பமிட்ட போது எடுத்த புகைப்படங்கள்.

Fine Arts Club Organized  CSIR/NET/SET  Model Examinations on 10-1-2022.

Fine Arts Club organised TNPSC Model Examinations on 22-11-2021

Fine Arts Club organised TNPSC Model Examinations on 22-11-2021

அரசு கலைக் கல்லூரி (தன்னாட்சி) சேலம்-7 நுண்கலை மன்றம் மற்றும் தொன்மை பாதுகாப்பு மன்றம் 22.11.2021 அன்று நடத்திய டி.என்.பி.எஸ்.சி மாதிரி தேர்வில் முதலிடம் பிடித்த முதுநிலை மற்றும் இளநிலை மாணவர்களைக் கல்லூரி முதல்வர் மற்றும் பேராசிரியர்கள் வாழ்த்தியபோது எடுத்த படம்.








Inauguration of Food safety and Adulteration Awareness Exhibition

Food safety officer is exhibiting the way of identifying adulteration in Tea.


Consumer Awareness Programme is organized by the Citizen Consumer Club on 24th October 2021 on the eve of National Consumer Rights Day.